Is it okay to pee yourself while exercising?

The short answer?  NO!

The longer version of this answer, definitely no, it is not okay!  I have been speaking with lots of women recently and what keeps coming up is that instead of working on strategies to strengthen the weakness or improving the situation, women have removed themselves from the situation, in this case an exercise class, normally a high impact class to stop it happening.  This is a bit like burying your head in the sand.

I am not having a go or being negative to anyone or rubbishing anyone’s decision.  This post I hope will make more of you sit up and think about approaching your body and more specifically your pelvic floor differently.

You only have one pelvic floor, it can cause a lot of embarrassment, discomfort and reluctance to take part in the same activities that you previously did through fear.  Let’s try to change that, it is possible, not definitive but certainly possible.

Let’s put it another way; if you hurt your ankle, or a muscle in your arm/ thigh/ calf failed, what would you do?

You would go see the doctor or a physio.

We, as women, need to realise that we owe it to ourselves not to dismiss this any longer.  Leakage, is NOT normal and we shouldn’t accept it as ‘just one of those things that happens’.  Of a slightly lesser impact is the need to go to the toilet whenever you jump around or exert yourself or cough/ sneeze/ laugh suddenly.

60 – 80% of women with SUI (Stress Urinary Incontinence – this is what we are talking about in the first paragraph) can be improved with correct pelvic floor training and correct recruitment (Neuman et al, 2005).  This gives a lot of us hope and is very positive.  The next thing to mention is to really work out what is happening with your pelvic floor and if you believe you have issues, get yourself referred to a Women’s Health Physio or a Pelvic Floor Specialist physio, they are fantastic and can give you an internal assessment to see what your recruitment patterns are like and give the best recommendations.

There are a number of strategies that can help with the pelvic floor, these include correct lifting strategies/ improving toilet habits/ nutritional strategies/ movement to name a few.  Even improving our breathing can help!

Let me finish todays blog on this note:  you may not consider yourself to have anything described above or any pelvic floor dysfunction BUT it is never too early to begin looking after your pelvic floor.  There are many risk factors that lead to pelvic floor dysfunction, I will cover some of these in my next blog.

Disclaimer:  All of the above is dependent on your symptoms and the severity of these.  Do not undertake anything new if you are concerned before speaking with a qualified individual.

Ladies, I apologise for raising the embarrassing!

I am a personal trainer specialising in women through the ages, at any age.  In this current climate, it is ideal time for women to step up and really have a voice for their needs and wants.  It is my dream to empower and motivate women to achieve the goals for their lives, to step up and choose to look after themselves.

Now is the time!

I am passionate about getting the right information to women, to aid women to make those difficult choices. the ones that need us to put ourselves higher up on the list of priorities.  This does NOT make you selfish as that little voice in your head is telling you (yes we all hear it)!  By putting yourself higher up you are actually helping others to see and get the best of you, your family, friends and colleagues.  When you feel good, what happens?

Do you make different decisions?  What do your family see when you are feeling good?  Are you more productive/ more balanced in your life?


Recently, I put a post on my facebook page asking for interest on a pelvic floor seminar.  I apologise, I did not consider how embarrassed you may have been or how it may have made you feel to publicly put it out there that you would be interested in such a thing.  Because, what would happen if someone else found out or thought we had pelvic floor issues?  I really am sorry for not following through on the idea/ thought process.  I do however, want to challenge long held beliefs that we should keep quiet about certain issues.

Let me explain, when I see recurring issues in a certain population (women) I really want to help and make a difference, help YOU to change that issue, to educate and inspire you to believe it really is possible for circumstances to be different.  Ladies, it really is possible, you have to believe!

‘The only barriers we have are the ones we create for ourselves’

In the age of #ThisGirlCan ( )  lets be that voice, lets be the strong individuals who set examples for our daughters, for future generations!  Be healthy, positive role models, be that change, BE the difference!  It is no longer about being the slimmest, its about being who you are, what are you happy being?  Do you want to be strong, lift weights, run more?

Lets find a way to do that!

I STILL need your HELP, to help YOU!  Just because you tick ‘like’ or show interest in a seminar does it mean you have that issue or that you are interested?  If you were to tick a seminar on cancer/ mental health or comment – would it mean you suffered from this?  No of course not, right,  so showing interest and attending does not mean you have an issue now!  (No offence is intended with these comments!)

Your support system:

Pelvic floor (PF) issues needs to be of interest to ALL women, not just pre and post-natal, not just those in their 50’s/ 60’s, each and every single woman can be affected by pelvic floor issues and if not addressed, this can have a longterm impact on yoru levels of functionality, mental and physical health and enjoyment levels.  Don’t wait until there is a problem, create positive and correct movements patterns which reduce the impact on your abdominal wall and pelvic floor.

Now is YOUR time ladies!  Lets do it together!

If you would be interested in attending a seminar in Dundee based on:

Struggle to run/ exercise without running to the toilet midway through or feeling like you are going to have an accident?!
Just had a baby? OR having a baby?!
Or maybe you struggle when picking up the grandchildren?

Would you like more control over your pelvic floor?

I am looking for notes of interest on the running of a Seminar geared towards this very topic. It would include:

Educational Chat
Practical ways to strengthen this area
Nutritional Strategies
Release Techniques that may be impacting on your pelvic floor.
Correct Breathing Strategies.
Q & A

‪#‎takingcontrol‬ ‪#‎lifelonghealth‬

If the answer is yes, please complete the following questionnaire so that I can ensure I target all of YOUR needs, not what I think are your needs: